Hearing Aid Overview

Hearing Aid Styles

Today’s hearing conditions and hearing aids do not have to be something to hide from anymore.  Hearing aids are available in a variety of styles and with many different features to accommodate the needs of any user. At Huron Valley Hearing, we work with the most advanced technology and a wide range of hearing aid styles.

Better technology creates a more natural sound quality and greater ease of use. The different styles range from small devices that are truly invisible to the naked eye to larger devices for those who have dexterity concerns. In most cases, the severity of your hearing loss is not a determining factor in the size or style of hearing aid you can choose. Rather, we will work with you to find the option that best fits your needs and lifestyle.


We work with the top hearing aid manufacturers in order to offer cutting edge technology, advanced processing capabilities, and the flexibility to have your device serviced or adjusted anywhere around the world.

We offer accessories that can work alongside your hearing aid in order to enhance your hearing in specific listening situations. These devices are designed to be used in particularly challenging situations such as on the phone, in a noisy restaurant, or when watching television.

Recent Improvements

There have been so many improvements in testing hearing conditions and the newest technology in hearing aids.  Hearing aids have improved significantly in the past 5-10 years, making it easier to hear in challenging listening situations like over the phone or amidst background noise. Some examples of recent improvements in technology include:

Repair and Maintenance

If your hearing aids seem suddenly quit or won’t turn on, there are a few things you can try at home:

If the hearing aid still doesn’t sound right after trying these steps, contact us for service.

Contact us today for your own or your loved one’s personalized hearing evaluation or hearing questions.

248-889-7600 (Highland Office)
517-548-5900 (Howell Office)
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